Saturday 19 December 2015

Thermoacoustic engine working principle

  From the acoustic point of view, it comprised a closed-ended ‘bounce volume’, a hot-end heat exchanger, a thermoacoustic stack, and a cold-end heat exchanger, terminating in a flange onto which the linear alternator would have been bolted, all enclosed in a duct of approximately constant cross-section. The bounce volume was necessary to allow useful magnitudes of acoustic velocity in the stack, but it also provided the radiant surface for transmission to the hot-end heatexchanger. The overall length of the duct was short compared with the acoustic wavelengths to be generated because their frequency was determined by the resonant frequency of the alternator.

Friday 18 December 2015

Different Types of Metal Fabrication Processes

There are numerous types of metal fabrication processes used to transform raw metal materials into useful parts and components by using various metal working tools and fabrication machinery. Some of the more frequently used processes include:

Stamping: The metal is pressed in between a stamp die to create a raised section of the metal.
Punching: A punching tool is used to punch holes in the metal to create the desired part or component.

Cutting: Various cutting methods are used to cut the metal to the right size.

Folding: Sometimes the metal needs to be bent at a specific angle, and folding is used to achieve this result.

Machining: Machining processes carefully remove metal and reshape it into the end product and involve using drills, CNC lathes, and other such machinery.

Welding: This process involves heating two pieces of metal together.

Shearing: Shearing is creating one long single cut on metal sheets to cut it to the correct size.

Computational Fluid Dynamics


ANSYS renowned CFD analysis tools include the widely used and well-validated ANSYS Fluent and ANSYS CFX, available separately or together in the ANSYS CFD bundle. Because of solver robustness and speed, development team knowledge and experience, and advanced modeling capabilities, ANSYS fluid dynamics solutions provide results you can trust. The technology is highly scalable, providing efficient parallel calculations from a few to thousands of processing cores. Combining Fluent or CFX with the full-featured ANSYS CFD-Post post-processing tool allows you to perform advanced quantitative analysis or create high-quality visualizations and animations.

Friday 11 December 2015

Oil Fired Furnace ?

             Furnace oil is the major fuel used in oil fired furnaces, especially for reheating and heat treatment of materials. LDO is used in furnaces where presence of sulphur is undesirable. The key to efficient furnace operation lies in complete combustion of fuel with minimum excess air. Furnaces operate with efficiencies as low as 7% as against upto 90% achievable in other combustion equipment such as boiler. This is because of the high temperature at which the furnaces have to operate to meet the required demand. For example, a furnace heating the stock to 1200o C will have its exhaust gases leaving atleast at 1200o C resulting in a huge heat loss through the stack. However, improvements in efficiencies have been brought about by methods such as preheating of stock, preheating of combustion air and other waste heat recovery systems. 

How the Furnace Energy Supply Works?

                    Since the products of flue gases directly contact the stock, type of fuel chosen is of importance. For example, some materials will not tolerate sulphur in the fuel. Also use of solid fuels will generate particulate matter, which will interfere the stock place inside the furnace. Hence, vast majority of the furnaces use liquid fuel, gaseous fuel or electricity as energy input. Melting furnaces for steel, cast iron use electricity in induction and arc furnaces. Non-ferrous melting utilizes oil as fuel. 

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Characteristics of an Efficient Furnace ?

              Furnace should be designed so that in a given time, as much of material as possible can be heated to an uniform temperature as possible with the least possible fuel and labour. To achieve this end, the following parameters can be considered.

• Determination of the quantity of heat to be imparted to the material or charge.

• Liberation of sufficient heat within the furnace to heat the stock and overcome all heat losses.

• Transfer of available part of that heat from the furnace gases to the surface of the heating stock. 

• Equalisation of the temperature within the stock.

• Reduction of heat losses from the furnace to the minimum possible extent. 

Types and Classification of Different Furnaces?