Friday, 27 November 2015


The category of manufacturing by metal forming includes a large group of processes that use force to induce a shape change in a metal, by mechanical working and plastic deformation. The most desirable quality of a manufacturing material as a candidate for a metal forming process is high ductility and malleability and a lower yield strength of the material. When working with metals, an increase in temperature will result in a higher ductility and a lower yield strength. 

In manufacturing industry, metals are often formed at elevated temperatures. In addition to shape change, the metal forming process will usually change the mechanical properties of the part's material. Metal forming can close up vacancies within the metal, break up and distribute impurities and establish new, stronger grain boundaries. For these reasons, the metal forming process is known to produce parts with superior mechanical properties. With relation to temperature there are 3 types of forming. Cold working, (room temperature), warm working and hot working. Also, with relation to the surface area-to-volume of a material there are 2 main categories, bulk deformation and sheet forming

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